Radical Chapter 3 Review

Don’t mess with Raden

If you didn’t read it yet, make sure to browse the story about Raden.  It’s an amazing picture of the power of God.

The American Dream

“The dangerous assumption we unknowingly accept in the American dream is that our greatest asset is our own ability.”   We had a good discussion about this.  We are not minimizing those who have given their lives and sacrificed so much that we could enjoy freedom.  But when we celebrate our ability to the neglect of God’s sovereignty and grace we miss the truth of the Gospel.  We desperately need the Lord to work in us and through us.  “The goal of the gospel is to make much of God.”


A Business or a Church

This was an important discussion.  The Church is not a business.  It sometimes has business elements and sometimes it does business.  But the church is an organism.  It is a living group that requires the Holy Spirit to function as it should.  We minimize the work of the Holy Spirit when we try to create an “experience” at church.  Instead of working so hard a getting the best speakers, the best music, the best programs and the best facilities, we must instead focus on desperately seeking the Spirit of God to work in us and through us for His glory.


A Powerful Praying Man

Mr. Platt takes a brief look at George Mueller.  He was a man of incredible faith and prayer.  There are many stories about his prayer life and God’s faithfulness in his life.  You can read an interesting bio about George Mueller from Desiring God.  I don’t agree with their Calvinism, but they do make some good points about Mueller’s life being given as an encouragement for others to trust in Him.

The three chief reasons for establishing an Orphan-House are: 1. That God may be glorified, should He be pleased to furnish me with the means, in its being seen that it is not a vain thing to trust in Him; and that thus the faith of His children may be strengthened. 2. The spiritual welfare of fatherless and motherless children. 3. Their temporal welfare


Are you Waiting on me?

Our final discussion was whether or not the church was waiting on the pastor or was the pastor waiting on the church.  WE must come together, pray together, that God’s Spirit (and not our business plan) will use our church to make His Name great among all nations.


We need to keep pursuing Christ.

Join us on Wednesday Nights at 7 as we work our way through the book Radical.