Radical Chapter 2 Review


In the beginning of chapter 2 David speaks about an opportunity he has to teach the Church.  They actually stop working for a couple of weeks so that he can teach them the whole OT in 2 weeks.  When’s the last time you went to an all day Bible Study?  When’s the last time you were that thirsty for God’s word?

God’s Word is enough

He brings out an interesting point about the Asian church he had visited.  They didn’t have a fancy facility, lights, sound, big band, etc.. but the had the Word of God and that was enough.  Is it enough for us?


Secret Church

Can you imagine what it would be like to have to sneak to church each week?  Would you still come?  Would you come if the air or heat wasn’t working?  If there weren’t nice pews or chairs to sit in?  Would you come to just soak in learning the scriptures?


Who God is

In this part of the chapter Mr. Platt reminds us that the God we serve isn’t just about love.  He is also about justice.  We need to make sure that people realize that if they will not accept the gift of God’s Son, they will face the wrath of God.


Who We are

We need to be reminded that we are dead in trespasses and sins without Christ.  We don’t need a boost, we need a resurrection. We are not inherently good.  We do have the image of God within us, but it has been broken.  We desperately need the Savior.   We don’t get to choose how He rescues us.


Stay Hungry

Ultimately, this chapter was a reminder to stay hungry.  We need to keep pursuing Christ.

Join us on Wednesday Nights at 7 as we work our way through the book Radical.