Category: Uncategorized

  • 2017 CrossLife CarShow


    It’s back!  We will be having the 2017 CrossLife Car Show on Saturday, August 26th. Can’t wait to see all the amazing cars and stories to go with them.  We will kick off at 10 am and go to 3 pm.  We’re looking for more fabulous cars and a fun filled day.  We will have door prize drawings for everyone who registers.


    CarShow Registration and Flyer



    Making Meat Barbecue will be there with their delicious pulled pork.  You won’t want to miss this event or this sandwich!  There will be great food and a lot of fun.






    Photo Gallery From Previous Shows

    You can also check out our pictures from previous years:

  • Operation Christmas – Support Our Soldiers

    Operation Christmas – Support Our Soldiers



    We are so grateful for the men and women who serve our country.  We want to show them our gratitude during this holiday season so we are putting together Christmas packages for some of our soldiers.  If you’d like to help us out here are some ideas…

    • Give something on the gift-ideas-for-christmas-care-packages list.

      You can drop off items any Sunday from 9:30 am-12 pm or any Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  Please donate items by November 20th.


    • Fill out a coloring page.

      Our soldiers would love to get a handwritten note or coloring page from your kids. You can download this Soldier Coloring Page and then drop it off at the church or mail it to:

      CrossLife Church
      7030 E. Stop 11 Rd.
      Indianapolis, IN, 46259


    • Donate to help out with shipping and items.

      Out of time to get items or just want to help out with the shipping costs?  You can donate at church, mail or just by clicking the button below to donate online.


  • UnStuck – Depression – I Just Can’t Shake It

    UnStuck – Depression – I Just Can’t Shake It

    You know the symptoms all too well.  You never seem to have enough energy.  Many days are sad days, but some days you just don’t feel anything at all.  You tell yourself, “it will be ok,” but deep down you know that’s not true.   You know something is wrong, but you just don’t know what it is.  You’ve blamed yourself and sometimes you get angry at yourself because you just can’t make it better.  Maybe you feel disconnected from other people – even people that you love.  Maybe this quote sums it up for you… “I’m exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel.”


    A friend of mine has a phrase we use whenever technology problems start to overwhelm. He calls it the Swamp of Sadness. This is also a good description for depression. You trudge along looking for the path that will lead to somewhere else, anywhere else, but you can’t ever seem to find the road that leads out. When prolonged sadness won’t leave you alone it’s time for help.

    While exercise, rest and eating healthy are good steps to take when trying to make your way out of the swamp, one of the biggest steps you can take is to be around people who care for you. It’s so easy to isolate when you feel this way, but now is the time to be around people who love you. You need to be around people who can remind you how special you are and the significance and meaning that you bring to others. As Solomon wrote, “Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.”

    If you need another reminder of your value check out the words of our Lord in Matthew 11.

    28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  –Matthew 11:28-30

    Rest is waiting for you.  A rest that also reminds you of your value and significance.  But you’ll need to reach out.  You need to take the first step.  You need to connect with other people.  God made us for connection.

    If you find the sadness still lingering even after all this, you may want to find professional help. If you need help finding a counselor, please check out or call 1-800-NEW-LIFE.


    Come join us for our unStuck series on Sundays and Wednesdays in January and February as we work at moving forward again.

  • Christmas Eve 2016

    Christmas Eve 2016

    We’d love to have you join us for our Christmas Eve Service on December 24th at 6 pm.  This candlelight service should last less than an hour but will be a great time to focus on what Christmas is all about.


  • Russell Dillard Funeral

    Russell Dillard Funeral

    Sunday was a very special day at CrossLife.  We remembered our dear friend, Russ Dillard.  His life has impacted so many people.  The parking lot was completely full as friends came through to share their love for Russ and his family.1024x768 Russ

    Jan Clay sang Beulah Land and Lloyd Walker shared a special message from Russell’s daughter.  We shared some of Russ’s favorite scriptures: John 14, 1-6, Philippians 4:6-7 and Matthew 11:28-30.

    We then played a song that Russ wrote and recorded.

    I shared the message from Daniel 3, “Even if He does not…”

    We want to thank everyone who came and everyone who has shared their love with the Dillard family.  You have truly been an encouragement to us all.

  • 2015 NAFWB Live Stream from Grand Rapids, MI

    2015 NAFWB Live Stream from Grand Rapids, MI

    Check out this year’s live stream.  You can go to or head directly to the stream page by clicking on the image below.


  • Love, Marriage & The Gospel – Resources

    Love, Marriage & The Gospel – Resources

    We’re very excited about our February Marriage Series.  Below are links to the audio messages and the PowerPoints for each message.


    Message 1 – “A Real Man.”  Sermon Audio


    Message 2 – “A Natural Woman.”  Sermon Audio


    Message 3 – “A Beautiful Wife.”  Sermon Audio



    Message 4 – “A Loving Husband.”  Sermon Audio

  • Seek the Lord and be Delivered.

    Seek the Lord and be Delivered.

    Date: October 12th, 2014

    Scripture: Psalm 27

    The Lord is my light and my salvation—
        whom shall I fear?
    The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
        of whom shall I be afraid?

    For more resources please visit