Day: June 2, 2015

  • Wacky World of Water Vacation Bible School

    Wacky World of Water Vacation Bible School

    VBS BannerWebThis year’s VBS promises to make a splash!  Come join us for the Wacky World of Water VBS.  We’ll meet Monday through Friday at 6:30 pm each night.  We will have skits, fun lessons, games, crafts and snacks.

    We’re trying something new this year.  We’d like for everyone to register online so we now how many people are coming.

    If you pre-register online by June 25th we’ll give a Free T-Shirt to the first 50 attendees.


  • Summer Blast!

    Summer Blast!

    Come join us for our Summer Blast! on June 25th.  If you’ve ever been to a CrossLife Fall Festival this is very similar but a little warmer.  🙂

    We’ll have lots of FREE food, games and prizes.  There will be a bounce house and plenty of fun to go around.   This day should be a ton of fun.  Come and join in!

    We’ll also have a preview of this year’s Vacation Bible School – Cave Quest!  You’ll will have an opportunity to pre-register for VBS at the church that Saturday if you want.