
Glorious Unfolding By Steven Curtis Chapman

This song has really been a blessing to me in recent weeks.  It’s a great reminder that God is inviting us to be a part of HIS story.  We can’t always see how he’s working it out, but our responsibility is simply to surrender.  It is amazing what God will do with a surrendered life.

If you haven’t checked it out before, take a look at Steven Curtis Chapman’s story concerning the loss of his daughter.

“Right after the accident, I started just running because I just didn’t know what else to do,” Will said, referring to what he did after making sure other family members were responding to Maria. “I just wanted to run and just be away — as far away from the site of the accident as possible — and just started running and was planning on just running as far as I could.

“And then Caleb, not too long after that, just kind of ran and tackled me and just kind of jumped on me,” he said of his 18-year-old brother. “… And it was just like, ‘You can’t leave, you can’t leave,’ and just — was just on top of me saying, ‘Everything’s going to be OK. We love you. You can’t leave.’ And just — it was just that — that was super important.”

It is so powerful.

Then see if you can spot Maria’s word “SEE” in the following video.  I hope it encourages you as it has encouraged me.